Digital Nomads in Africa: A Guide to Safety and Security

Hello friend! Are you looking for a better and more affordable place to work remotely? If so, let me tell you about Africa. Yes, you heard me right: Africa! But the question on your mind must be, is Africa safe for digital nomads?

Africa is often overlooked by digital nomads due to safety concerns, but it can be a great option if you take the right precautions.

I used to have misconceptions about Africa too, but after talking to fellow solo travelers and researching the continent, I realized that it’s a beautiful and diverse place with a lot to offer digital nomads.

Africa is home to a rich culture, delicious food, and amazing wildlife. It’s also a relatively affordable place to live.

Of course, there are some safety concerns in Africa, but there are safety concerns in every country.

Good and bad people are everywhere, and most of the time, we are the victims of scams or commit crimes because of our carelessness. 

It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe, no matter where you are in the world.

In this blog, I will tell you about the safety measures you should take to feel safe and make your trip safer, whether you are a freelancer, a solo female traveler, or a digital nomad. 

I will also tell you how to avoid scams, how to find safe accommodation, and how to keep your gadgets and belongings safe.

So, without any further delay, let’s start reading this blog!

Staying Safe While Working Remotely in Africa: A Guide to Safety and Security

As a digital nomad, you’re constantly on the move, working from different locations around the world.

This can be an exciting and rewarding lifestyle, but it’s also important to be aware of the unique risks and challenges that come with being a digital nomad, especially in Africa.

A Digital Nomad’s Guide to Security in Africa

Petty Theft: Watch out for pickpockets, bag snatchers, and hotel room theft. Keep a close eye on your belongings.

Cybercrime: Africa has a high incidence of cybercrime. Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be cautious of phishing scams.

Credit Card Fraud: Use your credit card only at reputable businesses and never share your card information with untrusted individuals.

ATM Fraud: Protect your PIN when using ATMs, and be wary of anyone approaching you at the machine.

Extortion: Exercise caution in choosing whom to trust and be vigilant against anyone making threats or seeking money.

Kidnapping Risk: Travel with the company, inform someone of your plans, and share your expected return time for safety.

An overview of the crime rates in different African countries

CountryCrime Index
South Africa76.1
Source: NUMBEO

Why Africa Should Be Your Next Digital Nomad Adventure

I have always been fascinated by Africa since I was a child. I used to watch African safaris and wildlife on the Discovery Channel. But over time, I started to think of Africa as a dangerous place. This is because I often hear news stories or people say that Africa is not a safe place, especially for solo travelers.

But then I saw some solo travelers going to Africa. This changed my mind. It made me realize that all the stereotypes I had about Africa were wrong.

I also know a female solo traveler named Allison Anderson. I was amazed when I saw her YouTube videos of her traveling to Africa, which is considered a dangerous place.

Credit: Allison Anderson

When I heard from my fellow digital nomad and friend about the unique cultural experiences in Africa, I decided that I had to visit one day.

I especially want to go to Kilimanjaro, and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, and go on an African safari tour.

I am confident that I can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Africa by being aware of my surroundings and taking precautions. I am also looking forward to meeting new people and learning about different cultures.

I hope to inspire other digital nomads to consider Africa as a destination. It is a continent with so much to offer, from its rich culture and history to its stunning scenery and incredible wildlife.

Best African Destinations for Digital Nomad Remote Work

Credit: Nomad Capitalist R&D

Digital Nomad Cost of Living in Africa

I have also heard that the cost of living in Africa is much lower than in other European countries. There are many African places where I can plan a cheap trip by bargaining or by sharing with people from my community.

Here are some specific economic opportunities and cost-of-living benefits that I am looking for in Africa:

Lower cost of living

Africa is generally a very affordable place to live, especially compared to other popular digital nomad destinations like Europe and North America. This means that I can stretch my budget further and live a more comfortable life.

Opportunities for remote work

Africa is becoming increasingly popular with digital nomads, and there is now a growing community of remote workers living and working across the continent.

This means that there are plenty of opportunities to find work and earn an income while living in Africa.

Access to affordable healthcare 

Healthcare in Africa is generally much more affordable than in other parts of the world. This is a major benefit for digital nomads who may not have access to health insurance from their home countries.

Opportunities to give back

I am also interested in finding opportunities to give back to the communities I visit in Africa. Many organizations offer volunteering opportunities for digital nomads, and I believe that this is a great way to make a difference while also experiencing the culture and history of Africa.

here are some specific tips I’ve planned for my upcoming trip to Africa, which I’d like to share with you:

Bargain for better deals. It’s common in many African countries to haggle over prices. This can help you save money on souvenirs, accommodation, and other goods and services.

Share expenses with other travelers. This can be a great way to save money on transportation, accommodation, and other costs.

Cook your meals. Eating out in Africa can be expensive, so cooking your meals is a great way to save money and eat healthier.

Take advantage of free activities. There are many free things to do in Africa, such as visiting parks, museums, and temples.

Safety Essentials for Digital Nomads Working Remotely in Africa

Credit: Traveling Tayler

Here are some safety tips that I’ll be following on my next trip to Africa, and I encourage you to do the same:

Be careful with ATMs and avoid using them at night. Use ATMs located inside banks or shopping centers, and cover the keypad when entering your PIN.

If you’re traveling alone, let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to return. Check-in with them regularly to let them know you’re safe.

Avoid wearing expensive jewelry or carrying large amounts of cash. Dress modestly and try to blend in with the locals.

If you’re working remotely, be sure to take regular breaks and get some exercise. It’s easy to get 

caught up in work and forget to take care of yourself.

Search for eSIM Options in African Countries

Accommodation Safety in Africa

As a digital nomad, I prioritize my safety because digital nomads carry expensive gadgets. To protect these gadgets, we need a safe place to stay.

But the question is, should we buy expensive gadgets for our solo travel? Especially when we are traveling to countries like Africa.

If you are a travel photographer, you need to carry expensive gadgets like cameras, lenses, and gimbals.

You can check the reviews on or to find safe accommodation.

I recommend that you do your research online and offline before booking accommodation. Sometimes, we book accommodation based on the pictures, but when we get there, we find that the facilities are not as good as the pictures.

You can also ask your friends or family for recommendations for safe accommodations.

If you are traveling to a rural area, it is a good idea to let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return.

It is also important to be aware of the risks of theft and robbery, especially in crowded areas.

Prioritizing Safety on the Road: A Guide to Transportation Options in Africa

When choosing transportation in Africa, I always prioritize safety and comfort. I also try to choose options that are environmentally friendly and affordable.

Here are some of the things I do

Research transportation options in advance. I read reviews of different companies and compare prices.

Choose reputable transportation companies. I avoid using companies that have a history of safety issues.

Use public transportation whenever possible. Public transportation is often the most affordable and environmentally friendly option. However, it is important to be aware of the risks of theft and robbery on public transportation.

If I am traveling to a remote area, I may hire a private driver. This is usually more expensive than public transportation, but it can be worth it for the peace of mind.

Here is an example of how I would choose transportation for a trip to Africa

If I were traveling to a major city in Africa, I would likely use public transportation. I would research the different public transportation options in advance and choose the one that is most convenient and safe for my needs. 

I would also be aware of the risks of theft and robbery on public transportation and take precautions to protect myself.

If I were traveling to a remote area in Africa, I might hire a private driver. This is usually more expensive than public transportation, but it can be worth it for the peace of mind. I would choose a reputable driver who has experience driving in the area.

For solo digital nomads, there’s a cost-effective and stress-free way to rent cars.

Another way to explore Africa is by finding the best motorcycle rental deals here.

A Guide for Digital Nomads to Prevent Scams in Africa

Taxi scams

Agree on the price with the driver before you get in the taxi.

Don’t let the driver take you on a longer route than necessary.

If the driver refuses to agree on a price in advance, get out of the taxi and find another one.

Accommodation scams

Book accommodation through reliable websites or travel agents.

Read reviews of hotels and guesthouses before you book.

If you’re unsure about accommodation, it’s best to book somewhere else.

Visa scams

Get your visa from the official government website or a reputable visa agency.

Be wary of anyone who offers to help you get a visa for a fee. There are many scammers out there.

Health scams

Don’t buy medicine from street vendors.

Be careful of medical clinics that offer very low prices.

If you need medical attention, go to a reputable hospital or clinic.

Romance scams

Don’t send money to people you meet online.

Never give out your personal information to people you meet online.

If someone online asks you for money, it’s a scam.

Insurance Tips for Digital Nomads Working Remotely in Africa

If you are a digital nomad who travels and works from different places, it is important to have good travel insurance.

This is especially true if you are going to a place like Africa, where medical care can be expensive and there is a risk of losing or damaging your equipment.

Here are some tips for choosing travel insurance for digital nomads in Africa

Make sure the policy covers you for medical expenses, lost or damaged luggage, and lost or damaged equipment.

Choose a policy that covers you for the activities you plan to do, such as hiking, safaris, and other adventurous activities.

Digital Nomads in Africa: A Guide to Safety and Security

Make sure the policy covers you for the entire time you will be traveling.

Read the policy carefully before you buy it so that you understand the terms and conditions.

Compare quotes from different travel insurance companies before you buy a policy.

Ask about any exclusions to the policy.

Make sure you have a copy of your travel insurance policy with you when you travel.

Is Africa Safe for Solo Female Digital Nomads?

Yes, Africa is a safe continent for solo female digital nomads, but it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe.

In our community, there are many experienced solo female travelers. We often talk to each other and share our experiences. 

I am sharing the experiences of these travelers to tell you if Africa is safe for female solo travelers.

Africa is a great continent for solo female travelers, with plenty to do and see that you can’t find anywhere else in the world.

Some of the best destinations in Africa for solo female travelers include Cape Town, South Africa  Marrakech, Kilimanjaro,  Morocco, Zanzibar, Tanzania, and Victoria Falls  Zimbabwe.

10 Expert Tips for Backpacking and Solo Female Travel in Africa

Credit: Girl vs Globe

Related blog:

Absolute Africa is a highly recommended tour company that offers tours through Sub-Saharan Africa.

Dakar, Senegal is a safe city for foreigners, with a thriving expat community and many locals who speak English well.

Nairobi, Kenya, Ghana, and Rwanda are other safe countries with a growing digital nomad community.

It is important to dress conservatively and respect local customs when traveling in Africa.

Solo travelers should carry a whistle or personal alarm with them when traveling alone at night.

Solo travelers should be aware of their surroundings and avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas.

Solo travelers should use Uber or Bolt instead of taxis when traveling alone at night.

Solo travelers can join Facebook groups or online communities for solo female travelers to connect with other women who are traveling alone.

Digital Security for Remote Work as a Digital Nomad in Africa

Are you concerned about keeping your expensive gadgets safe while traveling solo in Africa? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. However, there are a few things you can do to protect your digital assets and sensitive information.

Here are some tips

Only use your devices when necessary. Don’t flash them around in public, as this could attract thieves.

Choose safe accommodations. Make sure your hotel or hostel has a locker facility where you can store your gadgets when you’re not using them.

Digital Nomads in Africa: A Guide to Safety and Security

Back up your data regularly. Save your files to a hard drive or cloud storage service in case something happens to your devices.

Use VPNs and secure networks. Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, as they can be vulnerable to hackers.

Follow cybersecurity best practices. Keep your devices up to date with the latest security software and be careful about what links you click on and what attachments you open.

Be aware of your surroundings. When you’re using your devices in public, be aware of the people around you and don’t leave them unattended.

Use a travel lock. If you’re carrying your laptop or other devices with you, use a travel lock to secure them in your backpack or luggage.

Don’t carry all your valuables with you. If you’re only going to be out for a short time, leave your most expensive gadgets in your hotel or hostel.

Get travel insurance. Travel insurance can protect you against financial losses in case your devices are lost, stolen, or damaged.

By following these tips, you can help to keep your digital assets and sensitive information safe while traveling solo in Africa.

Health and Well-being for Digital Nomads in Africa

Africa is a beautiful and diverse continent with a lot to offer visitors. But it’s important to be aware of the health and well-being risks before you go.

Here are a few tips to help you stay safe and healthy

Food and water safety

Don’t drink tap water. Instead, buy bottled water or use a water filter.

Avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables unless you can peel them yourself.

Cook your food whenever possible.

If you do eat out, choose restaurants that are popular with locals and have good reviews.

Access to healthcare and medical services

Make sure you have travel insurance that covers medical expenses.

Choose accommodation that is near a hospital or medical clinic.


Africa is a diverse continent with a wide range of cultures. It is important to be respectful of local customs and traditions. For example, it is important to dress modestly in public and to avoid public displays of affection.

There are many online communities for digital nomads, such as Facebook groups, Slack channels, and online forums. You can search for groups or communities that are specific to Africa, or that are relevant to your interests.

Hostels are a great place to meet other travelers, including digital nomads. Many hostels have social activities and events, which are a great way to connect with other people.

If you are a victim of crime in Africa, you should immediately report it to the police. You should also contact your embassy or consulate for assistance.

Cape Town is a vibrant city with a large digital nomad community. It offers a good mix of affordability, infrastructure, and amenities.

Nairobi is a major economic hub in East Africa and has a growing digital nomad scene. It is a relatively affordable city with a good selection of co-working spaces and cafes.

Marrakech is a beautiful and historic city with a moderate cost of living. It has a growing digital nomad community and several co-working spaces.

Lagos is a bustling metropolis with a large digital nomad community. It is a relatively affordable city with a good selection of co-working spaces and cafes.

The documents required to apply for a South Africa digital nomad visa are

A valid passport. 

prove your accommodation.

Health insurance.  

Proof of income.  

Proof of employment.

In a nutshell

In short, Africa is a great choice for remote work. It’s affordable and full of amazing experiences. While safety can be a concern, it’s no different from anywhere else.

Africa offers rich cultures, tasty food, and incredible wildlife. Whether you’re a freelancer, solo traveler, or digital nomad, it’s worth exploring.

To stay safe, remember to take precautions, just like you would in any place. So, in the end, I encourage you to go and discover Africa with confidence. With some careful planning, it can be an exciting and enriching part of your life journey.

Travel Blogger at Distance Rover

Distance Rover is a travel blog run by Dishant Bhatt. Whether you’re a digital nomad, solo traveler, corporate professional, or luxury enthusiast, the blog offers travel tips. It covers affordable flights, hotels, and luxury travel. The goal is to inspire and empower readers to explore the world and create lasting memories.

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